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Last update on July 31, 2023

Adobe Firefly Adds Generative Expand + Multilingual Prompt Support on Photoshop

3 min read
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Adobe Firefly goes forward with integration into Photoshop. Recently, the design software giant Adobe announced the features powered by Adobe Firefly on Photoshop now supports multiple global languages; plus, they added a new tool named Generative Expand, which can expand an image beyond its original limits with seamless results.

Making the AI-powered design features in Photoshop more accessible for non-English speakers also helps them design more intuitively, but the new Photoshop tool will let creatives work faster and more effortlessly than ever.

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Adobe Firefly Features Now with Multilingual Prompt Support

Per the recent announcement, Adobe Firefly-powered features now support text prompts in 100+ languages. This way, it became globally inclusive for millions of users, who will now be able to design with AI, writing text descriptions in their preferred language.

Since its launch in May 2023 (in English only), Firefly has produced over 900 million AI-generated images. Expanding text prompt support for non-English speaking users can certainly result in even higher adoption of Firefly and its Photoshop-embedded features, as it lets these users create with Generative Fill (and the new Generative Expand) more comfortably and intuitively.

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BEFORE Generative Expand
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AFTER Generative Expand

Seamlessly Expand Images with Generative Expand

Generative Expand is a new, task-focused feature in Photoshop built on Adobe Firefly technology. It expands an image's content beyond its original aspect ratio with seamless and impressive results.

To use this feature, you must select the “Crop” tool in Photoshop and extend the image field beyond the original borders to your desired size. Then you have two options:

  • If you leave the text prompt field blank and hit the “Generate” button on the Contextual Task Bar, the software will expand the image contextually, matching the original content.  
  • If you add specific instructions in the text prompt regarding what the expanded content must look like, the feature will fill the new canvas with an expanded image that matches your original but includes your requirements. 

Just like Generative Fill, Expand is a non-destructive feature that generates new images in a new generative layer, so you can always go back and forth between versions until you find the perfect result.

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BEFORE Generative Expand
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AFTER Generative Expand

Expanding images is one of the most sought-after capabilities for AI image generation, as it has several possible creative uses: resizing images, modifying their aspect ratio, completing a cut-off subject, rearranging a misaligned object, and more.

It's very clever of Adobe to make all these common AI edits accessible from one specific feature.

We are excited to try the new Adobe Firefly feature in Photoshop. Are you?


Ivanna Attie

All About Ivanna

I am an experienced author with expertise in digital communication, stock media, design, and creative tools. I have closely followed and reported on AI developments in this field since its early days. I have gained valuable industry insight through my work with leading digital media professionals since 2014.

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AI Secrets is a platform for tech decision-makers to learn about AI technology. Our team includes experts such as Amos Struck (20+ yrs ICT, Stock Photo, AI), Ivanna Attie (expert in digital comms, design, stock media), and more who share their views on AI.

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